SCHOOL YEAR 2011-2012

(Not pictured below:  Avery Reeves and Jubilee Smith)

(12 May 2012 - 25 Cadets)

For additional pictures, CLICK HERE

Shaw Air Expo 2012
(5 May 2012 - 25 Cadets)

For additional pictures, CLICK HERE

1 May 2012

For additional pictures, CLICK HERE

CADETS OF THE YEAR, 2011-2012 

(L to R)
C/SrA Samuel Sutton, Cadet  Airman of the Year
C/TSgt Jonathon Schaetz, Cadet NCO of the Quarter
C/Col Nickolas Boswell, Cadet Officer of the Quarter

Cadets of the Fourth Quarter, Spring 2012

(March 2012 - May 2012)

(L to R)
C/SrA Koby Eklund, Cadet  Airman of the Quarter
C/TSgt Tyron Durant, Cadet Junior NCO of the Quarter
C/CMSgt Cateya Davis, Cadet Senior NCO of the Quarter
C/Capt Whitney Berkebile, Cadet Officer of the Quarter

Adopt-a-Highway Litter Pickup, Saturday, 31 Mar 2012.
Thirty-six bags of litter was removed from 2.5 miles of Highway 225
between Jenkins Springs Road and Florida Avenue.

Twelve cadets were inducted into the Kitty Hawk Air Society on Wednesday, 28 March 2012.
They are, left to right, Brett Watkins, Joshua Weeks, Jashua Orlando, Gregory Bratcher,
Samuel Sutton, Joelena Simon, Brian Robinson, Destiny Reed, Lucero Contreras,
Tyron Durant, Jami Berkebile, Jimmeca Tinch.
For additional pictures, CLICK HERE!

Cadets of the Quarter, Spring 2012 3rd Quarter
(January - March 2012)

(L to R)
C/A1C Destiny Reed, Cadet First Term Airman of the Quarter

C/A1C Brett Watkins, Cadet Senior Airman of the Quarter
C/SSgt Jonathon Schaetz, Cadet Junior NCO of the Quarter
C/MSgt Teri Wiley, Cadet Senior NCO of the Quarter
C/1Lt Avery Reeves, Cadet Officer of the Qaurter

Irmo High School Invitational Drill Meet
10 March 2012

First Place - Flight Armed

Congratulations to the Drill Team for an outstanding day at the Irmo High School Invitational Drill Meet on 10 March 2012.  The team finished the day with first place in Armed Flight; six second place finishes in Flight Unarmed, Element Armed, Element Unarmed, Color Guard, Individual Armed, and Knockout; and one third place finish in Knockout. 

Members of the team as listed below - front row, left to right:  Alexander Ratliff, Cateya Davis, Chantal Wiley, Leigha Steele, Whitney Berkebile.  Back row, left to right:  Samuel Sutton, Cory Williams, Jonathon Schaetz, Antonio Stevens, Avery Reeves, Jared Mayo, Tamarcus Turner, Raymond Williams, Nickolas Boswell, Joseph Steele.  Not pictured is Ian Acton.

(Click photo for more pictures)

Second Place - Color Guard

Second Place - Flight Unarmed

Second Place - Individual Armed

Second Place - Element Armed

Second Place - Knockout

Second Place - Element Unarmed

Third Place - Knockout


Theme:  "Honoring Our Heroes"

Center:  King (Raymond Williams); Queen (Whitney Berkebile)
Right:  Prince (Joshua Cuningham); Princess (Jami Berkebile)
Left:  Duke (Koby Eklund); Duchess (Lucero Contreras)

(For additional pictures, CLICK HERE)

  January 2012 - Present

(L to R):  Group Commander, C/Col Nickolas Boswell;
Deputy Group Commander, C/Maj Raymond Williams;

(L to R):  1st Squadron Commander, C/1Lt Ian Acton;
2nd Squadron Commander, C/2Lt Avery Reeves;
3rd Squadron Commander, C/2Lt Richard Newman

(L to R):  "A" Flight Commander, C/MSgt Quamekia Moore;
"B" Flight Commander, C/MSgt Jonathan Leopard;
"C" Flight Commander, C/1Lt Antonio Stevens;
"D" Flight Commander, C/MSgt Jami Berkebile;
"E" Flight Commander, C/MSgt Paul Costantino;
"F" Flight Commander, C/MSgt Tyron Durant


C/Col Alexander Ratliff (left) relinquished command to C/Col Nickolas Boswell effective 24 January 2012

Cadets of the Quarter, Fall 2011 2nd Quarter
(October 2011 - January 2012)

(L to R)
C/Amn Lucero Contreras, Cadet First Term Airman of the Quarter

C/SrA Quamekia Moore, Cadet Senior Airman of the Quarter
C/SSgt Paul Costantino, Cadet Junior NCO of the Quarter
C/SMSgt Richard Newman, Cadet Senior NCO of the Quarter
C/2Lt Antonio Stevens, Cadet Officer of the Qaurter

(6,7,8 Dec 2011)
Participation by 48 cadets; $1700.00 collected

For more pictures, CLICK HERE



We make a living by what we get.
We make a life by what we give
                        ~Winston Churchill~

(17 Dec 2011)
Participation by 11 cadets

For more pictures, CLICK HERE
(Columbia SC)

Cadets collected the following items:  181 pair white
tube socks, 359 razors, 151 toothbrushes, 26 tubes of toothpaste


Family with four children (ages 1, 2, 4, 13).  Gave each child two sets of clothing, a minimum of three toys, along with food for the family (ham, eggs, milk, canned goods,  etc.)

70 toys collected and delivered to Salvation Army

Sixty-nine cadets marched in the Greenwood Christmas Parade
on Sunday, 4 December 2011.  For more pictures, CLICK HERE.

Cadets of the Quarter, Fall 2011 1st Quarter
(August - October 2011)

(L to R)
C/Amn Samuel Sutton, Cadet First Term Airman of the Quarter

C/A1C Jonathon Schaetz, Cadet Senior Airman of the Quarter
C/SSgt Paul Costantino, Cadet Junior NCO of the Quarter
C/SMSgt Reginald Sprowl, Cadet Senior NCO of the Quarter
C/Lt Col Nickolas Boswell, Cadet Officer of the Qaurter

Fifty-two cadets honored our local military veterans by marching in the
City of Greenwood Veterans Day Parade on Sunday, 13 November 2011.

(CLICK HERE for more pictures)

                  US Marines    Embry Riddle

                        The Citadel      U.S. Marines   USC Upstate
                     Coker            U.S. Navy

29 October 2011

1st Picture:  C/Lt Col Ratliff receiving 1st place trophy for Open Ranks Inspection
2nd Picture:  C/2Lt Berkebile receiving 1st place trophy for Individual Armed
3rd Picture:  C/Lt Col Ratliff receiving 2nd place trophy for Element Regulation Unarmed
4th Picture:  C/2Lt Acton receiving 3rd place trophy for Color Guard
5th Picture:  C/Lt Col Ratliff receiving 3rd place trophy for Element Regulation Armed

(For more pictures, CLICK HERE)

October was a very busy month. 
These three important projects were successfully accomplished. 
Great job cadets!

AFJROTC collaborated with the Student Government Association in a successful Homecoming Competition Canned Food Drive which culminated on 14 October 2011.  The goal of 3,000 was exceeded with 3,250 collected.  In first picture below, left to right, are Sophomore class officers (1st, 2nd, and 4th persons), center is the  Principal, Mr. Nickles.  Far right is AFJROTC Corps Commander, C/Lt Col Alexander Ratliff.  Second picture, left to right, is C/Capt Raymond Williams, along with a senior and sophomore SGA representative. While standing in front of Walmart, they, along with others, collected 700 canned foods.
AFJROTC was involved in Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October) by talking about this issue in class, doing research, followed by creating posters for display in the hallway.  Announcements were also prepared and read over the school's public address system regularly throughout the month.  Cadets are showing off their posters in the below two pictures.
Another project cadets got involved in during October 24-28, 2011 was Red Ribbon Week.  In addition to preparing posters for display in the hallway, the cadets offered a theme to the student body each day.  The overarching theme for the week was "It's Up to You to be Drug Free."  Monday's theme was "Information is Key", Tuesday - "Turn Your Back on Drugs", Wednesday - "Drugs and I Don't Mix", Thursday - Don't Let Drugs Turn You Inside Out", Friday - "Wear Red Day".  Dum-Dum and Smartie candies were distributed during lunch on Tuesday and Friday.  Anti-drug slogans were hung from the ceiling in the cafeteria for students to read while eating.  A great effort!

The Color Guard posted and retrieved colors at the first annual Wall of Heroes ceremony in Greenwood on Sunday,
11 September 2011.

Our Color Guard leading the military processional in downtown Greenwood on Saturday, 10 September 2011, in honor of our military and the first responders (police, firemen, and emergency medical personnel).

A replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall visited Greenwood September 8-11, 2011.  Our Color Guard presented the colors during the Opening Ceremony, 9:00 a.m. on  Thursday, 8 September 2011.

August 2011 - January 2012

(L to R):  Group Commander, C/Col AlexanderRatliff;
Deputy Group Commander, C/Col Nickolas Boswell;

(L to R):  1st Squadron Commander, C/Maj Raymond Williams;
2nd Squadron Commander, C/Cpt Tamarcus Turner;
3rd Squadron Commander, C/1Lt Whitney Berkebile

(L to R):  "A" Flight Commander, C/2Lt Reginald Sprowl (not pictured);
"B" Flight Commander, C/1Lt Avery Reeves;
"C" Flight Commander, C/1Lt Ian Acton;
"D" Flight Commander, C/SMSgt Amanda Binsack;
"E" Flight Commander, C/SMSgt Cateya Davis;
"F" Flight Commander, C/SMSgt Richard Newman

Monday, August 8
Seniors - 1:30 - 2:30
Juniors - 2:30 - 4:00

Tuesday, August 9
Sophomores - 2:00 - 4:00

Thursday, August 11
New Viking Night (Freshman Registration)
5:00 - 7:00


All students registering for Air Force Junior ROTC are requested to stop by the ROTC classroom on the day of registration to size for your uniform.  Should take no more than 10 minutes.  The AFJROTC Department is located in Rooms 708 and 709.


9-16 July 2011

Thirteen Air Force Junior ROTC cadets from Emerald High School participated in the annual Converse College Cadet Leadership School in Spartanburg, South Carolina during the week of July 9-16, 2011.  The EHS cadets competed with over 335 cadets from 26 schools in North Carolina, Georgia, and South Carolina.  Attending for the first time were Whitney Berkebile, Joshua Cunningham, Jeana Hogan, Johnathan Leopard, Richard Newman, Avery Reeves, Talia Warren, and Joshua Weeks.  This was the second year for Ian Acton (Stan/Eval Team) and Raymond Williams (Advanced School).  Completing their third year in key leadership positions were Nickolas Boswell (Squadron Commander), Arsenio Lewis (Stan/Eval Team), and Alexander Ratliff (Deputy Group Commander).

1st Row:  Cadets Jeana Hogan, Talia Warren.  2nd Row:  Cadets Whitney Berkebile, Richard Newman, Joshua Weeks, Arsenio Lewis.  3rd Row:  Cadets Nickolas Boswell, Raymond Williams,  Johnathan Leopard. 
4th Row:  Cadets Ian Acton, Avery Reeves, Joshua Cunningham,  Alexander Ratliff.

Cadet Ratliff

Colonel Al Whitley Leadership Award

1st Row:  Cadets Raymond Williams, Whitney Berkebile, Arsenio Lewis.  2nd Row:  Avery Reeves, Alexander Ratliff.  3rd Row:  Richard Newman, Nickolas Boswell.
1st Picture:  Cadet Reeves - Honor Graduate; Cadets Newman and Berkebile - Outstanding Flight Cadets. 
2nd Picture:  Cadet Boswell - Staff Cadre Leadership Award.
3rd Picture:  Cadet Williams - Advanced School Project Excellence Award.
4th Picture - Cadet Lewis receiving the Outstanding Evaluator Award.
For more Cadet Leadership School pictures, CLICK HERE!